BAD guy by Billie Eillish. Looking for ideas for a fun arrangement

So, enjoying a bit of an Eillish enthusiasm.  Yes, it’ll pass, I’m sure.  In the meantime, here are a set of videos of her hit BAD GUY to build a number around:

  1. the official video
  2. the very nifty tutorial video (incl. a great ‘bass’ line; thanks Warrenmusic!).
  3. another tutorial video (this time by Jaytee but without the excellent ‘bass line’).   I prefer the previous video but more ideas are a good start.  jaytee also provides a PDF in her video notes.
  4. A video tutorial for the real bass line, which is so wicked (surely I’m the only person to (mis-)use that these days?!)

Listening to the song, I like the hushed lyrics at the start.  The clicking and clapping lines – which have to be performed by more than one person to get the cool effect).  The idea is not to try and do the same as B.E. does but to adapt it to a uke group performance, so really listen to the arrangement.  What happens when (and when does it stop)?  How would you divide a group up: who/how many do what tasks?  Anyway, see what you like it in….